Bryk's new game on Kickstarter

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Bryk's new game on Kickstarter

Post by korexus » Wed Jun 20, 2018 8:18 pm

I just noticed that Brykovian has a new game up on Kickstarter. He's done enough for us over the years that I figure he deserves a free plug. :wink: ... f-danger-1

I've just backed him for a physical copy. Although having seen that it's "the first game in a multi-game series" and the they "will each come in the same sized box, with a similar book-like design, to look good when stacked together on a shelf" I can see my costs spiralling further down the line!

Obviously I haven't played it yet, but if you like table top games as well as online, and you think Bryk would do a good job designing them, you might want to check it out.


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